Our Well - the Source of Life
Sweet William Farms
May 31, 2020
139 March Rd, Ottawa, ON
417 West -Exit at Eagleson between Corkstown Rd and Herzberg Rd.
The last record of well located was in 2015. Five years later, we have a none functioning well, and we desperately needed water. I was loading water from home daily and we are out of our wits. We got 2 companies came to estimate the cost for pump and it was roughly 2K.
Sweet William is handy, this is why we took this project together. It took 2 days driving from one end of the city to the outskirts to get the parts - and he made it work.
So A+ to Sweet William, the plants will live!!!
Sweet William finally got the pump and got us water!!
Sweet William built a little shed over our generator.
Note: Add to your COVID 19 farmers challenges:
1. SLOW or CLOSED: Stores to get our supplies are either close or operating on low capacity.
2. Prices: Prices are way higher - lumber at Home Depot in particular was over our forecasted budget.
3. Time Budget: The time spent on line-up and shopping - takes away our precious time when we could be working at the farm.
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