Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2022 Storm Derecho

 May 21, 2022 Saturday

 Storm Derecho hit Ottawa City Ontario. We were affected with damages. 

We just moved to the farm house on May 1, so we have not unpack yet. It was a bit of chaos, and we navigate it through. Our roof was partially off, the barn was totalled - totally destroyed and lots of trees fall. We did not get our power back until June 30th. We camped out and thank goodness it was summer. 

Leftover stump of the barn - its totally destroyed, there is no fixing this one

we lost the part of the roof, and that opens to our living room and kitchen

The maple tree 1. 0 at the back of the barn - this one took me 2 days to take out limbs and clear a bit of path

Maple tree number 2.0 - Uprooted and destroyed the neighbors fence

"we are all safe, except it scared the kids. It was saturday and it was a nice day, i was out with Kyle doing delivery. Kieren just texted us that the roof is gone, the barn is gone, then we hear the news. Im sure it was just shocked and scared for the kids, and to me, I just shake my head. Oh well, we can rebuild as long as we are alive', but totally, it came with financial loses for the farm. Supplies were delayed, planting was not done, so we lost a good season, and we are really struggling.  But, life goes on, one foot in front of the other" . 
we are grateful for everyone who feed us, give us support and camaraderie, give us smiles, hugs and hopes. A year later, we are still here, and we have many reflections and changes of the goals we made, from moving into the farm house to other ways of farming practices in a sustainable, organic homestead. 

The strongest derecho storm in Canada this century occurred on May 21, 2022. The storm hit Southern Ontario and Quebec, causing widespread damage along a path that extended for 620 milesThe winds peaked at 190 km/h in Ottawa, which is one of the most impactful thunderstorms in Canadian history 12The storm caused unprecedented levels of destruction and loss, killing at least 10 people 1.

One year after the derecho, this man still has a hole in his roof — and no repair in sight | CBC News

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