Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Second Seeding of Beans. The Pollinator Garden and Rain Barrels. There is Hope

July 28 2020 Tuesday 

Address: 139 March Rd, Ottawa, ON K2k 2E2

417 West -Exit at Eagleson between Corkstown Rd and Herzberg Rd. 

After the failures: the teepe beans structures tumbling, the clay soil cracking, pollinator plants dying, there was a massive dump of mulch from our community farmers. They pooled resources and geniuses, and brought us substantial mulch. 

Mai fundraised and we got $700. I prioritize water facility on this budget and we manage to secure 2 1,000L water barrels as of yesterday.  One barrel went to the Foodbank Plot and the 2nd one is near the barn is set up for the Community Farmers.  That is 400$ spent on water barrel, so I am aiming to spend the next 300$ for the wood and parts for the hugelkuture beds. 
The Hugelkulture beds for the teens ( this will be a fall project) - as it will be a composting system and also a water retention facility to re-use our current garden clippings. I like to re-use organic materials from gardens and use it for soil build up. Soil depletion and water shortage is an issue that come hand in hand and we are very conscious to make sure our inputs are locally from the land and not taking anything out. 

Yesterday, the beans and zucchini are germinating again. 

The pollinator garden started to wake up and signs of plants blooming. 

The teepee structure, I tied it with strong rope to the rainwater barrel  - so far it is holding up in 2 weeks. I have been in the garden daily to mulch to pollinator gardens. The heat and sometimes rain get me but its all good. 

We have cleared path all around the barn - if anyone is up for an "abandoned farm" walk, its a possibility. 
We should have named this farm " Ankle Breaker Farm", as the path are full of holes and well, it can break your ankle. So, close shoes for your walks or steel toe boots if you have. 

Kyle and I (Angelina) are both contractors, so we both wear our Steel toes shoes in the farm. Some fences have fallen overtime, barb wire buried and I still keep finding them.  

I did not see myself as one who will operate the weed trimmer, as I always have my boys doing it for worksites. Well, at farm, you can see me doing it, day in and out. My arm shakes after 1 hour or two, I rake and do it again. Richard, MJs brother started it in June and I finished the whole round about path at the back of the barn to connect it down the hill towards the Community Farmers. With the path, it makes it easier for Kyle to run down the hills and refill those water barrels. 

The kids ( 2 years old to the 12 year olds) seems to enjoy the path, I hear them running around the path circling the barn. There is an area where you can actually see the inside of the barn from the Herzberg side, so I make a clear path so they can take a peak. 
The kids  did not mind the bumpy -ness of it, I guess I maybe spunky as a kid, and would not mind it either. My ankle is way stronger way back then, now I am relying on my trustee Moxie Trade boots, "Alice and Anne' to keep me steady and safe. 

I also cleared a path between the 2 barns, there is a bird house, probably for migratory birds. It can be a bat house, I cannot remember for the life of me during the 2015 tour. 

 I also  know there are barn swallows residing in the barn, but I keep the path clear, so the maintenance crew can easily come in. 

The children's garden and apple tree look out (looking out to the far field and food bank garden) is always a work in progress. This is where kids lay out their camping tent, and the nearby Worm composting station. The kids are so irregular with bringing food - so I wonder how Mr. Wormy is doing? No, we don't buy red wriglers, we just feed our regular earthworms that live under the Mulberry. 

So far, I manage to extend the path to circle around the lilac trees to make a complete loop to what I call the courtyard. It has a small oak tree in the center, which I thought was a future big oak tree which children will play - so long term, this will be the Courtyard. 

I will add some of the pictures soon, it is on my other phone. 

Thank you for all donors, thank you for the pots, we re-use them and so glad we can recycle them. 


Angelina and Kyle

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